Quiring Monuments can ship a memorial anywhere in the world. Please ask us about our DISCOUNTED SHIPPING in the U.S!
The memorial can be shipped to the cemetery, if they will accept the delivery. If you would like to have the memorial shipped to a residence, we can ship to your door. If delivered to a residence, make sure you have the equipment to unload the delivery truck; for instance a fork lift truck, a hoist or enough strong backs to do the job. Call our
Design Consultants for help with any shipping questions you may have.
Please provide us with the name, complete shipping address, including zip code, and phone number to where the memorial will be shipped. Provide us with the name of a person to contact for shipping confirmation. If shipping to a cemetery, what information do they need to accept delivery of the memorial?
When you receive the memorial here are some helpful tips:
- We’ll let you know when the memorial was shipped, the name of the carrier and an ETA.
- Upon arrival, inspect the memorial immediately for obvious damage.
- Sign the delivery receipt and make sure you get a copy.
What To Do If You Find Damage
Although we properly crate your memorial to ensure a safe delivery to its destination, the possibility exists that damage can happen. If it does, follow the tips mentioned above and check for damages before accepting delivery. Note the damages on the bill of lading.
Contact Quiring Monuments immediately and fax us a copy of the bill of lading so we can file a claim promptly. After you’ve accepted the memorial, protect it from further damage by keeping it in a safe place. We need to know the exact damage to the memorial. If possible, take a photo when you uncrate it—after noting the damage on the bill of lading.
What To Do If The Damage Is Not Discovered At The Time Of Delivery
If the damage is not discovered at the time of delivery and is found when unpacking the memorial, notify us immediately. Fax us a copy of the bill of lading with the damages noted on it. We will arrange for an inspection from the shipping company. It is important to inspect the memorial immediately. The time frame to file a claim is usually less than 15 days. All merchandise should be retained in the original shipping container in the same condition when damage was discovered—until an inspection can be done.
Shipping Options
Memorials are normally shipped via truck freight. Some items that are less than 100 pounds can be shipped via UPS. Call us if you need special arrangements. Sometimes extra costs may be incurred.
If you would like to arrange for faster delivery, contact us and we can determine the fastest delivery to the destination. Expediting the delivery may be an additional charge.
Warranty Information
Upon the purchase of your memorial, you may receive a certificate proving that your memorial is manufactured from the finest quality stone and will not contain hidden flaws that would make it susceptible to cracking or disintegration due to climate or season.
We will further certify that the carving and workmanship are of the highest quality.
You will have our guarantee to replace or repair, free of all expense to the original purchaser, or to the heirs or representative of the estate of the person(s) memorialized, any stone part of the memorial that may crack or disintegrate due to the effects of climate or season.
Click here to download a copy of our Warranty Certificate.
Please note: our warranty does not cover damage or staining resulting from neglect or damage by cemetery personnel, acts of war or civil disturbance, sudden destructive weather conditions and natural disasters, or discoloration for any reason. In the event of any work done on this memorial by another entity after installation, this Limited Warranty becomes null and void. This Limited Warranty may also be subject to separate requirements on us imposed by state law.
For more information about our warranty, please feel free to contact us.