Customer Review
We were deeply touched by your generosity
I can't wait to see it completed! On another note, I really wanted to convey our thanks to Quiring Monuments for the discount on Jason's monument. It was so unexpected that we didn't know what to say or how to react when we were there with you. It wasn't until later, on the trip home, that we talked about it and were deeply touched by your generosity. I know that you mentioned that Quiring Monuments is on the board of Behind the Badge supporting families of law enforcement as well as veterans, but you didn't mention firefighters, so it's even more touching and meaningful that Quiring Monuments has extended the same honor to our family as they have for law enforcement and veterans' families. You have no idea how much that means to us!
Thanks again, from the bottom of my heart and I look forward to seeing Jason's monument when it's complete.
Love & God Bless