(206) 809-9500

Bellevue, WA

Customer Review

It will feel so good, every time we come, to see those beautiful markers that honor our parents and mom’s second husband so beautifully.


Thank you SO much for stopping by to make sure they were clean and for leaving the lovely roses.  We brought an extra vase so that we could put our two bouquets in the new vases, in case you had left flowers as you’d told me .

But, the good news is, it was a beautiful sunny day with the sun low in the sky, casting a warm glow on them  and  my sisters loved  ❤️ them!  My perfectionist worries were all for naught. They thanked me for all my hard work, I told them of all the hard work you and the designers put into them, and we all were feeling mom and dad there with us, smiling with satisfaction and pride. All around their graves were old, faded and many neglected markers. We buried Daddy 50 years ago last October when that part of the cemetery was fresh and new. But now it is showing it’s age, just like us, and now it will feel so good, every time we come, to see those beautiful markers that honor our parents and mom’s second husband so beautifully.

My photos taken yesterday have the long shadows of the flowers running across part of the markers but I’m including it here. There is also one of each of them by themselves.